Infant Feeding Coaching

Keri, Devonport, Infant, Feeding, Coaching, osteopath, Lactation, consultant

During pregnancy, it is often asked by health visitors and midwives “How will you be hoping to feed your baby?” The challenge is then on the parents to decide whether breastfeeding or bottle feeding their newborn will be best to fulfill the family’s needs.

Whichever way you choose, you should be able to make that decision with all of the relevant, up-to-date information on infant feeding so that you can do what is best for you, your baby and your family.

You may find yourself in a situation where you have had your baby but are now experiencing some issues. These could be related to latching, attachment, getting comfortable when feeding and therefore causing discomfort within your own body related to your posture. If this is the case, speaking to our Infant Feeding Coach may be beneficial to you. The advice and support from an IFC can be for breast, bottle or combination fed babies.

Our osteopath Keri is also trained as an Infant Feeding Coach and will be using her knowledge to help new or prenatal mums with the difficulties they might face when feeding their babies.

Click the picture above to find out more about Keri Devonport

About our Infant Feeding Coach

Keri has been a fully qualified Osteopath since 2008, graduating from the British College of Osteopathic Medicine. She has worked with and treated many pre and post-natal women since then along with their babies. As her practice has developed and since having two children of her own, her interests are evolving and having had her second baby during lockdown in 2021, found that support for breastfeeding mothers was a little lacking.

Having breastfed her own two children, Keri decided that she would like to expand her knowledge in the world of infant feeding support and completed her infant feeding coach training whilst on maternity leave with her daughter. Since returning to work, Keri has enjoyed offering feeding support alongside her Osteopathic treatments to parents and their little ones.

Keri will be able to offer stand alone Infant Feeding sessions, or sessions as part of your osteopathic treatment as a prenatal mother or if you have brought your baby in for a cranial osteopathy assessment. It is recommended that you call and have a brief, no obligation chat over the phone with Keri in order to determine what type of treatment and advice might suit you and your baby best.

Infant Feeding Coaching & Cranial Osteopathy


Initial Consultation

90 mins – Please note as of 1st August treatment price 2024 will increase to £84

Infant Feeding Coaching


Initial Consultation

60 mins – Please note as of 1st August treatment price 2024 will increase to £69

Infant Feeding Coaching


Follow Up

30 minutes – Please note as of 1st August treatment price 2024 will increase to £59

If you would like to make a booking for Infant Coaching Support with Keri please click one of the buttons below

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Safety and Confidence.

Please be assured that you will be provided with professional impartial advice that will ensure that your baby is fed in the way that works best for you and your family.

If at any point during the appointment we are concerned with your baby’s development or weight gain, you will be referred back to your GP or IBCLC if you prefer. The safety of you and your baby is of great importance to us, Infant Feeding Coaches are trained to work within their scope of practice.