Sports Therapy

Sports Injuries – Gait problems – Golfer’s & Tennis elbow – Overuse injuries – Muscle strains

What is Sports Therapy?

Sports Therapy is a system of manual therapy that combines a hands-on approach with bespoke exercise programs in order to prevent or treat musculoskeletal conditions.

Sports Therapists are able to diagnose an injury and provide a personalised treatment plan involving massage, joint mobilising, stretches, as well as exercises suited to the individual patient in order to help reduce pain and manage both acute or chronic injuries. Patients are prescribed exercise programmes that aim to enable them to take control of their pain and optimise their performance in their chosen sport.

Patients who visit Sports Therapists can be from all ages and backgrounds, no matter what level of activity or exercise they train. The best part is you don’t even need to be sporty to benefit from treatment!

sports, therapy, shoulder, fix, exercise, rehab

Who is our Sports Therapist?


Suzy Holmes-Beddow, MSc Sports Therapy

What can I expect from a Sports Therapy treatment?

During an Initial Consultation, your Sports Therapist will discuss your injury and take down the rest of the relevant medical details in your case history. Physical examination follows (so please wear a loose fitting top and appropriate undergarments) whereby your Sports Therapist will test your body’s ability to move in certain positions, the body parts tested will depend upon your injury and the joints most affected. Clinical tests may be performed such as muscle power testing, gait analysis and more. After the Sports Therapist has an idea of what could be the issue, they will share their diagnosis and ask for consent for treatment.

Massage techniques, joint mobilisation, stretches may be utilised, then the Sports Therapist will take you to the exercise area in the treatment room and prescribe exercises using objects easily found at home, or at the very least affordable exercise tools, like resistance bands or massage balls.

Sports Therapy


First Visit

60 minutes – Please note as of 1st August treatment price 2024 will increase to £65

Sports Therapy


Follow-up treatment

45 minutes – Please note as of 1st August treatment price 2024 will increase to £59

If you would like to make a booking for a Sports Therapy treatment with Suzy please select from the options below

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